mole patrol shropshire

Incredibly wet conditions at the moment are pushing the moles into drier areas. Busy start to the new year .

Posted 29 weeks ago

Incredibly busy few weeks, covering shrewsbury and Shropshire

Posted 45 weeks ago

Incredibly busy few weeks

Posted 45 weeks ago

Unbelievably wet out there at the moment , moles will be moving once it drains away a bit .

Mole catcher in Shrewsbury , wem , Whitchurch , ellesmere

Posted 87 weeks ago

It’s been a long dry spell lately this has forced the moles back into the hedgerows and deep in order to find food. As soon as we get some rain I expect to see a surge in activity.

Catching moles in Shrewsbury and surrounding areas

Posted 116 weeks ago

Busy winter on the agricultural land , weather has helped out this year . Gardens and allotments slowly picking up again now .

Posted 121 weeks ago


Domestic jobs are now slowly slowing down after what has been a crazy summer with what seemed like an endless onslaught from young moles.

Back onto the farms now to clear the land ready for next year’s silage.

Mole trapper covering Shrewsbury Shropshire

Posted 141 weeks ago


Finally having a bit of rain after a very dry spell , been incredibly busy the last few weeks but trapping has been hard in very dry soil. Expect plenty of fresh mole activity in lawns and gardens now the rain has started .

Posted 169 weeks ago

Beautiful day to be working up in the hills today , red kits ,hares and millions of sheep . Back again tomorrow ,mad rush to get the moles sorted before the weather turns .

Posted 173 weeks ago


Nice settled spell of weather after all the snow and frost’s has really got the moles active. Lots of garden jobs to fit in-between the usual farm work at this time of year.

Mole catcher Shrewsbury Ellesmere Whitchurch Oswestry

Posted 177 weeks ago